My story

david newman relationship coach
David Newman- Specialist Relationship Coach

How it began

For a long time, before my career as a specialist relationship coach. I was in your shoes. 

Bouncing around, relationship to relationship, looking for that special connection. 

But lacking confidence and happiness within myself. 

I wasn’t getting anywhere. 

Feeling constantly anxious, as if I wasn’t good enough for a happy and healthy relationship.

I would self sabotage from a deep down feeling that I didn’t deserve this, feeling incredibly lonely even whilst in a relationship. 

Then I met someone who changed my life.

My eyes had been opened to the truth

They showed me that if I wasn’t happy with myself, how could I ever be happy with anyone else. 

After countless relationships, arguments and dates, I realised I had been going the wrong way the entire time. 


My life changed

This pushed me in the right direction. It led me to gain the self confidence and self-belief I needed. 

I discovered a whole new me that I didn’t know existed. 

You wouldn’t have recognised me anymore. 

From being introverted and closed off individual, to being an extremely optimistic person. Having the confidence of a King and know that I fully deserve this. 

The support I had from a trained professional helped me in ways I didn’t know possible.

I was ready to try again.

And before I even had my next date, I had a huge amount of hope. 

I knew this was going to work, it felt right. 

I deserved this.

New Beginnings

From having such a life changing experience of working with a trained professional, I started training to become one myself. 

I had been in a very dark place and realised that If I can do it, absolutely anyone can. 

Now I am the one providing the support people need. 

And I am the happiest and most confident I’ve ever been with my long term partner. 

We all need a little guidance towards being the best version of ourselves

And now?

Now, I live in Nottingham with my wife and Barney – he’s a 13 year old black Labrador who still thinks he’s a puppy! He can be quite cheeky, but is adorable. I love to be out in the garden, walking Barney or doing DIY (I’m not that great at it though-but I’ll give most things a go)

I also love practicing Tai Chi, Qigong and Wing Chun. They’re all brilliant for switching off from the stresses of the day and keeping me focused. 

I am a Certified Specialist Coach (a senior member of ACCPH) I also have qualifications in person centred counselling, a level 6 Diploma in Life coaching, and a diploma from the Association for Psychological therapies. This goes along with a successful track record in therapeutic services spanning over 23 years.

Having worked with so many different types of people to help them build stronger, happier relationships. From this I have a deep understanding of how your own unique circumstances and challenges can shape your own journey. I’m here to listen to you and help you out of that dark place that I too lived with for so long.

To get started and begin the life you truly deserve, just contact me on the form below. Can’t wait to meet you.