Being single can be a struggle

If you’re reading this then odds are it is a struggle for you. But it does get better. Get the guidance and support that you need to end this period of loneliness. Then start a new chapter in your life with someone you love. 

Being single can be fun, but is it fun for you?

  • Are you constantly trying but to no avail? You could be chasing the wrong type of person. Everyone has their type, but sometimes that can be the reason for their loneliness.
  • Perhaps you believe you’re destined to be single forever, even though you truly want a partner.  Relationships aren’t easy, but they aren’t impossible. 
  • Did you once believe a partner was the one for you? Everything started to fall apart out of thin air, and you were left to blame yourself. 
  • Have you lost all confidence in yourself? Did that one relationship you genuinely believed was the one for you, leave you crushed? You now get fearful about the thought of trying to meet someone new.  
  • Did a past partner leave their imprint on you? Making it impossible to move on.  

If any of these relate to you, I’ll guide you towards the healthy relationship you rightly deserve. 

Why I can help you.

I’ve been there in a terrible mindset. 

Trying so many different relationships that all end the same way, leaving me single, crushed and confused. 

I can’t say I was ALWAYS the problem because no one ever is. But without realising it I was destroying my relationships. 

I never communicated my feelings, and I wasn’t happy with myself. 

It often led to unhappy relationships, pushing my partner into an affair from making them feel unloved and lonely. 

Being terrified of letting someone in because last time it destroyed me. You might think shutting down your feelings will help, but in the end, it only hurts you more. 

It got to the point where I was so miserable and unhappy with how things were going, that i turned to professional help. 

Now I’m here to bring you out of this dark place you’re in, and help you overcome the obstacles you’re facing. 

It will leave you confident and decisive, and anxiety you have will become a myth. The first step to building a happy relationship. 

Results you can expect from singles coaching


My personalised 1:1 singles relationship coaching and mentoring sessions is the first step in the direction of building that healthy relationship with your soulmate.

  • You’ll discover the new you. 
  • You will become confident and decisive. 
  • Leaving you in the right frame of mind to build the relationship you deserve. 
Just a few results from working with me. 

Realise why past relationships crumbled for no reason. I’ll show you how to let go of any baggage or relationship anxiety, and let it be a thing of the past. 

Realise your self-worth and learn that you don’t have to settle. There is a person out there for you with whom you don’t have to sacrifice anything or compromise to have a healthy relationship. 

Unleash a new level of confidence and self-love. We will identify the strengths, talents and special qualities that you bring to the table. You’ll notice a whole new side to yourself. leaving you with a real sense of self-belief. 

Find out who you really want. Everyone has a ‘type’ but eight out of ten times the type of person people chase is the reason they can’t build a healthy relationship. We’ll take a deeper dive into who you really want, and see if they are actually the right person for you. 

Be the person you always wished you were. Everyone wishes they could be better, you won’t need to wish anymore, you’ll get there. 

Ready to get started on your wonderful journey ? Just give me a ring for an informal chat